services & prices
It is recommended that new clients/horses that I've not worked with before, have a full assessment followed by a remedial massage session at least a week prior to booking a sports massage. Observing your horse on a lunge as well as a straight walk/trot up (and ideally ridden) is hugely beneficial as it will enable me to observe balance, rhythm, symmetry, ability to track up, gait analysis, amount of flexion, areas of tension in motion and any signs of subtle lameness (grade 3 or above lameness must be seen by a vet prior to any massage therapy).
Performing a full remedial therapy session means I can get to know areas that need attention both within that session, and potentially ongoing. This will also give me a chance to address any current areas of focus and give your horse a chance to rest well from it before a sports session goes ahead.
Every session, regardless of type, will include a dynamic and standing assessment, thorough palpation and range of movement tests, appropriate massage/manual therapy based on assessments and a report of the session along with follow up advice to identify any possible adjustments that will help to support your equine's musculoskeletal health.
With first time clients/new horses, I will always go through a history and background with you, to give me the most complete picture. The first session report will also be more in-depth, looking at specific movement patterns, conformation observations, details of techniques used and your horse's physical and emotional responses at any notable points.
Package discounts

I currently have four package savings which you may like to take advantage of;
Pre & Post Sports Package - when both are booked in respect of the same competition, the price will be reduced by £15 overall
Multiple horses/ponies - when there are two or more horses in the same location having their session on the same day, each horse receives a £5 discount on the price of the massage booked (please contact me for more than 3 horses as we can talk about a 2 day package)
Referral Rewards - refer a new client and receive a £10 discount off your next booking (providing they have had at least one session completed at that time)
Book 4 sessions and receive 1 free - pre-book with a 50% deposit (£50 saving)
Please note that mileage outside of a 20 mile journey is charged at 25p per mile to cover motoring costs (charge shared if multiple clients at same location)
(approx. 2 hours incl. assessment) plus subsequent report. Initial sessions also include a full history and a more in-depth report
first session
ongoing sessions
please note there is a package discount saving if you book 4 sessions in advance (50% deposit), you will receive a 5th session free of charge (£50 saving)

Any equine, regardless of age, breed, workload etc can benefit hugely from regular remedial massage. In order to get a full picture of your horse or pony, if you are a new client (or I've not worked on this particular horse before) I will use the first session to ask you some information about their background/activity, do a full assessment of conformation, dynamic and standing observations, thorough palpation, followed by appropriate massage/manual therapy techniques based on findings. If your horse/pony is ridden, it would be extremely helpful if I could see a video prior to the appointment (we can arrange this whilst booking the appointment). If I have worked on your horse before, I won't need to do a conformation assessment or the history form again (unless there have been changes in between times to any details). Following the session, I will provide you with a detailed report of what I have found, areas targeted and any information which will help to gain/maintain optimum musculoskeletal health. This may involve referring to other professionals as part of your horse's overall healthcare. Please click the pdf button for sample of an initial session report
pre-sports massage
£50 (or £85 when booked with post sport - £15 saving)
(approx. 1.5 hours incl. assessment) plus subsequent report

Pre-sport massages are designed to stimulate muscles, increase blood flow, aid circulatory systems to improve energy supply to muscles, and form part of an overall warm up to intense exercise. They may be done on the day of the event prior to travelling, or the evening before (massage must not fall within 2 hours of a hard feed either side, please see full list of contraindications). A pre-sport session is fantastic for increasing range of motion, flexibility and suppleness as well as preparing and lengthening soft tissue to reduce the risk of injury
post-sports massage
£50 (or £85 when booked with post sport - £15 saving)

(approx. 1.5 to 2 hours incl. assessment) plus subsequent report
A post-sport session must only be done when the horse has rested and returned to homeostasis, with all vital signs back to resting levels. This may be done later in the same day as the event or the next day. The horse must not be sweating or dehydrated (please see full list of contraindications).
Post-sports massage is a great way to help reduce & prevent adhesions and scar tissue. It addresses areas of tension, spasm and hypertonicity from strenuous exercise, helps to flush out toxins and lactic acid from work and aids the recovery process. It is also a good opportunity to identify areas with acute or chronic tension/tightness/tenderness.
may be used as part of your remedial or sports session, with a small contribution towards tape costs

Kinesio-Taping (or K-Taping) may be done as part of your session, if there is a requirement based on clinical reasoning following assessment. It has many benefits and applications are extremely varied depending on the needs of your horse.
Taping is mainly done either as a remedial measure, for myofascial release or as a training application, but either way, has multiple benefits;
lifts tissues to allow fluids into and between muscles, fascia and other soft tissue
reducing spasm, tension and pain
reducing oedema
increasing proprioception
stimulating under-conditioned or atrophied muscle groups
supporting tendons and ligaments
releasing fascial restrictions
injury prevention
reducing neuromuscular stresses
much more!
K-Tape can be used as a preventative, supportive or rehabilitative modality​
equine manual
lymphatic drainage (EMLD)
may be done as part of your horse's remedial session, if appropriate
The lymphatic system is an essential bodily process, responsible for the transportation of salts, neurotransmitters, amino acids, fatty acids, sugars and oxygen around the body. The cells also use the lymphatic system to rid themselves of waste such as dead blood cells, bacteria, lactic acid (and more!). Compromise to the lymphatic system can therefore, be detrimental to various aspects of the horse's health. Equine Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a modality used to encourage healthy maintenance of the lymphatic system to boost immunity, nervous system, circulatory systems, waste removal, reduce pain and scar tissue. In order to perform EMLD, the horse's muscular system must first be warmed up, therefore, it is normally done following some remedial massage work. EMLD cannot be carried out where there is acute infection, history of cancers, or thrombosis. If your horse is currently under the care of a vet, veterinary consent must be gained first. EMLD does not replace veterinary treatment.
veterinary referral
if your horse is currently under the vet for either an acute or chronic condition, they may feel that remedial or rehabilitative sessions are available. Please click HERE to download a vet referral form. (Please note that I cannot work with your horse without consent if current under veterinary care/advice, in line with the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966)
just a reminder that if your horse/pony is under the care of the vet, either for an acute or chronic illness/injury, veterinary consent must be gained before massage therapy can take place. In addition, please double check that none of the contraindications of massage apply to your horse/pony